
Friday, July 31, 2015

Managing Mood with Essential Oils

Managing Mood with Essential Oils

One of the top reasons people are interested in essential oils is mood management. Many are looking to support positive mood, promote balance, increase energy, encourage restful sleep, and so much more. Essential oils are a wonderful way to work towards excellent mental health. Everyone will find a combination that suits them. Today we're going to go through some of the top concerns and possible oil combinations that can work for you.

Promote Adaptability and Optimism
  • Basil
  • Frankincense
  • Melissa
  • Citrus Oils
Promote Determination, Initiative, and Passion
  • Wild Orange
  • Lime
  • Ginger
  • Lemongrass
  • Vetiver
  • Peppermint

Promote Restful Sleep and Calm

  • Vetiver + Lavender
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Frankincense
  • Basil
  • Bergamot + Patchouli

Promote Focus, Passion, Motivation, and Drive

  • Peppermint
  • Vetiver + Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Clove
  • Frankincense + Wild Orange and/or Peppermint

Promote Energy, Focus, and Memory

  • Support Adrenals
    • Basil
    • Rosemary
  • Promote Focus and Inspiration During Projects
    • Geranium
    • Ylang Ylang
    • Rose
  • Promote Energy and Oxygenation
    • Cypress + Frankincense
    • Citrus Oils

Promote Peaceful Mind

  • Lavender
  • Clary Sage
  • Frankincense
  • Vetiver

Promote Coping

  • Support those with Pain
    • Clove
    • Wintergreen
    • Lemongrass
    • Eucalyptus
  • Support those with Grief, Broken Heart, and Discouragement
    • Melissa
    • Lime
    • Geranium
    • Ylang Ylang
    • Clary Sage
    • Rose

Blend for Children and Adults looking for Focus, Peace, and Calm

  • 85 drops Vetiver
  • 30 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 30 drops Lavender
  • 20 drops Frankincense
  • 15 drops Clary Sage
  • 10 drops Marjoram
Place the above oils into a roller bottle or glass spray bottle. Top with fractionated coconut oil. Roll onto the bottoms of the feet as needed.

Are you ready to try essential oils? Contact me anytime for a personal assessment and a protocol geared for you!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Handling Headaches with Essential Oils

Handling Headaches with Essential Oils

We all get headaches. Every single person - child, teenager, and adults - men and women - I don't honestly think there's a single person who can say they haven't had a headache. There are so many causes of headaches and because of that, one answer does not fit all. So today's blog is going to tackle the most common causes of headaches and ways you can treat them naturally with essential oils.

General Headaches - no particular cause, can occur anywhere on the head
  1. One drop of peppermint over the spot that is hurting is often enough to help decrease or even stop the headache in it's tracks. Please do not get in your eyes!
  2. Second best oil is Rosemary followed closely by Basil, Clove, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram, and Patchouli. You'll need to try different combinations til you achieve your favorite combination.
  3. You can diffuse a combination of any of these oils. Please note that Peppermint is energizing so you'll want to avoid this in the evenings if you're sensitive to it.
  4. My routine: 1 drop peppermint massaged onto the temples and 1 drop to the back of the neck followed by 1 drop of Frankincense massaged onto the temples and then 1 drop of Lavender massaged onto the temples and 1 drop to the back of the neck. It may seem like a lot but really, it takes about 2-3 minutes and you'll have quick relief.
Tension Headaches - typically feels like a tight band around the head and affects neck and shoulder
  1. Apply Peppermint to the temples, forehead, back of the neck, and over the tops of the shoulders for near immediate pain relief. Use caution to avoid your eyes.
Gastric Headaches - usually hurt all over, caused by bad food or food sensitivity
  1. Apply 1-2 drops of Lavender, Peppermint, and/or Rosemary to the temples and back of neck.
  2. Diffuse 3-4 drops of Lavender, Peppermint, and Rosemary.
Migraine Headaches - often occur in one area of the head, can include nausea along with light/sound sensitivity
  1. 1 drop of Frankincense held to the roof of the mouth using your thumb for a few moments.
  2. Apply 1-2 drops of lavender to the back of the neck and base of the skull..
  3. 1-2 drops of Peppermint and Ginger applied topically or taken internally for nausea offers quick relief.
Ideally whenever you have a headache, you would apply the oils every 15 minutes until you find adequate relief. A cool compress to the forehead and neck can be very helpful. If at all possible, a nap is ideal. If you are in the throws of a migraine and cannot tolerate oils to your head and neck, then apply them to your feet and put cotton socks over top. 

Interested in essential oils? Contact me!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Could Gluten Be My Problem?

Could Gluten Be My Problem?

Awhile back I posted a blog about gluten intolerance. You can check it out: Gluten Intolerance. I'm finding there's still some grey area and questions I would like to help answer. One interesting thing has happened since I posted that blog - - my GI doctor told me she's very sure I have celiac disease. What? I thought gluten issues were a fad? I thought you had to be underweight and very sick to have celiac. How wrong was I? Now, there are many people who suffer from severe celiac disease and I applaud them for the fight they endure every day to just live their daily lives. What I didn't know was the variety of symptoms. 

At this time, I have chosen to not be officially tested. Reason being there are 2 tests available and I'm not ready for either of them. First is a blood sample but you must have consumed gluten products for 2 weeks before it is taken and the second is an intestinal biopsy. I know I cannot function if I simply consume a small amount of gluten let alone 2 weeks worth and the biopsy, while not that big of a deal, is just a procedure I'm not interested in currently. My doctor is very ok with this. She knows I'm improved immensely since going gluten free and whether it's a severe intolerance or true celiac, the treatment is the same - stay gluten free!

According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, 1 in 133 people have celiac disease or approximately 1% of the population. Nearly 83% of these patients will be misdiagnosed for years. Up to 22% of them will have a relative with celiac as well.

According to my doctor, GI specialists are recognizing the seriousness of gluten intolerance/sensitivity. This means the person does not have celiac disease but has a problem with gluten. While it's a fad when it comes to people trying to lose weight, it's a very real diagnosis for many people. According to a physician-reviewed article on About Health - Celiac, they also have estimated that gluten sensitivity/intolerance is a problem for as much as 7-10% of the population. Some physicians are going as far as estimating 50% of the population may have some problems with gluten. Now because there is no official test for gluten intolerance, these numbers are estimates. Physicians have to sort through symptoms and patients must adhere to a gluten-free diet and if it works, you have your diagnosis. Interestingly, there are some new lab tests that can look for gluten sensitivity and it's been found that up to 65% of those that suffer from irritable bowel syndrome test positive for the sensitivity. That is a huge percentage! I had this test performed a few years ago, before I got serious about going gluten free, and my test was very positive! I had sensitivities to wheat, barley, rye, millet, and more. It's the first time I even considered gluten as being the culprit to my daily problems.

Understanding the difference between true celiac disease and gluten intolerance/sensitivity can be difficult. Take a moment to look at this chart provided by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness. It is very helpful in understanding the different diagnoses.

So let's go into some more discussion of symptoms. The variety is actually unbelievable. There are over 300 symptoms that can be tied to celiac disease! You can take a look at the list here. No wonder diagnosing celiac and gluten intolerance is such a challenge! Now the first thing people think of is digestive complaints. While this is true, and is the most prevalent symptom in children, it may not be for adults. Let's break it down. These are the symptom lists from Celiac Disease Foundation. The most common symptoms in children:
  • Abdominal bloating and pain
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stools
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability and behavioral issues
  • Dental enamel defects of the permanent teeth
  • Delayed growth and puberty
  • Short stature
  • Failure to thrive
  • ADHD
Now, children do not have to have all of these symptoms! These are simply the most commonly reported symptoms associated with a celiac diagnosis in children. Now let's look at the list for adults. While 1/3 of adults will report digestive system complaints, the most commonly other reported symptoms are:
  • Unexplained iron-deficiency anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Bone and/or joint pain
  • Arthritis
  • Bone loss or osteoporosis
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Tingling numbness in the hands and feet
  • Seizures or migraines
  • Missed menstrual periods
  • Infertility or recurrent miscarriage
  • Canker sores
  • Itchy skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
Again, adults may not have all of these symptoms. It just is very helpful in painting the clinic picture of celiac disease. Now what about symptoms of gluten sensitivity/intolerance? According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, the top reported symptoms of gluten sensitivity/intolerance are:
  • Foggy mind
  • Depression
  • ADHD-like behavior
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Bone and/or joint pain
  • Chronic fatigue
Just like with celiac disease, you do not have to have all of these symptoms but they are the most common. There are also hundreds more symptoms that 'can' be tied back to gluten sensitivity/intolerance. The list of hundreds of symptoms I shared earlier is almost identical to the list of gluten sensitivity/intolerance symptoms. 

So what is the cure? It's very simple. For both celiac disease and gluten intolerance/sensitivity, the cure is a 100% gluten free diet! Combined with a positive attitude, you can watch your symptoms disappear. As I talked about in my first blog post on this topic, I saw huge improvements in digestive issues, migraines, asthma, allergies, anxiety, frequent infections, and general well-being. Now please know that the years of damage and inflammation from eating gluten will not disappear overnight. Your body will need time to heal, usually several months. You will instantly 'feel' better but will continue to see improvements over the next 6 months to 2 years.

If you're considering gluten may be a problem for you, this checklist will help you break your symptoms down. Fill it out, print it up, and take it with you to your doctor. Unfortunately many physicians still don't fully understand or will even diagnose a gluten sensitivity/intolerance. You must advocate for yourself! If they are not comfortable with the diagnosis, then seek out a specialist who is! Get yourself examined by an expert. The symptoms associated with celiac and gluten intolerance/sensitivity can also be warning signs to other underlying diagnoses so please don't make this diagnosis without a health care provider's assistance. 

When you're ready to go gluten free, the internet will be your best friend. There are so many wonderful resources, recipes, online shopping, etc that will help make your transition a positive one. Here's a great article by the Mayo Clinic on gluten free diets. The most important part of a gluten free diet is preparation! You must read every single label. You have to study menus before going to restaurants or request their gluten free or allergy menu. Yes it is a pain but the pain of gluten symptoms is far worse!

Here's some great websites to help you in your journey:

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Salt Life

The Salt Life

Just over a year ago, if you had asked me about the ocean, I was limited to what I remember from my cruises and Florida vacations, which were few. I lived in a state surrounded by gorgeous lakes. Lake-life is what I knew. As the magnet my mom found me states: Great Lakes, Unsalted and Shark Free!

Now I live at 'the oceanfront' of Virginia Beach. Who would've thought this Midwesterner girl who drank pop (especially Vernors), went to Canada on field trips, used a doorwall, and worked her entire adult career in Detroit (the Motor City) would wind up living 6 blocks from the Atlantic? Well it surely wasn't me but I've learned a lot in my first year here and I have no regrets! Every picture I'm going to share with you today was taken by me during my first year here in Virginia.

#1 - The Ocean Waves Never End

There is something about the rhythm of ocean waves that make you feel calm and at ease. I find there is no way to be anxious if you're sitting on the beach and simply listening to the waves roll and crash against the shore. This is God's natural 'sound machine' on repeat. I find my heart rate regulates, my breathing becomes slower and deeper, and I can literally get lost in the moment (or hours....).

#2 Sunrises Over the Ocean Are Breathtaking

I come from Michigan, a state that is known for their sunsets. Utterly gorgeous and colorful pictures drawn on the sky almost nightly. Then I moved to the Atlantic. We are lucky to get a decent sunset here but oh my word do we get sunrises! It is almost impossible to capture the true beauty as you watch over the ocean and the sky transitions from dark to dawn to full sun. The purples, blues, pinks, oranges, yellows, and every other color God could imagine dance across the sky and change minute to minute. It is a site to see and every time you attend God's morning movie, it changes!

#3 Seashell Collecting Is Deep

When I first moved here, I was blessed to be taken in by a handful of ER nurses. (Trust me, this is a blessing - us ER ladies are not an easy group to break into!) They invited me to their beach day and then is when I learned about seashell hunting. I was getting excited over clam shells - oh my did I have a lot to learn! As I spent my first summer gleaning from the masters in shell hunting, I found the activity not only required some skill (and a lot of luck) but patient, perseverance, respect, and gratitude. There are days fully intact conchs and sand dollars will literally roll out at your feet and there are days you're the one getting rolled by the waves for nothing.
Tracy, my fellow ER coworker and seashell hunting master, said this recently in a Facebook post: 
"I think the reason I like shell hunting so much is that it teaches so many things: 
Appreciation: small things in life can bring so much happiness.
Patience: what you are meant to have will come to you in time.
Determination: sometimes you have to work hard for the good things in life.
Optimism: maybe today you are empty handed, but there is always tomorrow.
And there is no greater feeling of peace than when you are surrounded by the beauty of nature."

#4 Dolphins Are Magical

If you have never had the honor of witnessing these amazing creatures in their natural habitat, you have not yet been privy to one of God's most magical creatures. The first time I spotted dolphins at the beach, I literally squealed with delight. All I could spot where the fins of a family of dolphins off in the distance, going in and out of the water so gracefully, barely breaking the surface. I watched with complete attention, guessing where they would show up next on the horizon. Little did I know as the waters began to warm, they would venture closer and closer to the shoreline. The closer they came, the louder their conversations became. You can listen to them talk to each other, almost giddy in their tone. I've been honored to witness this on several occasions now and am awestruck every time. I do believe dolphins make the list of natural ocean events that will stop both tourists and locals in their tracks every time.

#5 Full Moons Rising Over the Atlantic are Unbelievable

As an ER nurse, I have the ultimate respect for full moons. I know the impact they have on society in general and can turn a shift of calm into complete chaos. But never had I been blessed to see such a site as a full moon rising over the ocean. As if the sunrise wasn't already gorgeous enough, this was unreal. We have gorgeous full moons in Michigan but never anything like this. The amount of light the moon reflects off the water is absolutely stunning. To realize it has so much power, all you have to do is watch the tides. Just before a large full moon, the tides change drastically. You suddenly can walk 50 feet out into the water and stay ankle deep where as the day before you would've been in over your head. The waves come together in different directions and the usually unseen sandy ocean floor becomes visible. It's a phenomena that I am still floored by every time it happens.

So at the end of the day, these are my most important lessons learned living by the ocean. They are all things I have no control over and yet I love them. It is amazing for someone who struggles with control and anxiety to admit this. There is something about the ocean, it's waves, tides, shells, and wild-life, that just draw you in. It calms you deep on the inside. It promotes complete relaxation. It's as if your body's functions begin to correlate with the ocean's rhythm. It also promotes activity, time in the sun, and sanity. There is nothing better after a long ER shift than taking a deep breath of salt air and having sandy feet! 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Daily Routines Using Essential Oils

Developing a Daily Routine with Essential Oils

One of the most overwhelming thoughts people have in regards to essential oils is where on earth do I begin? The best part about essential oils is you can customize your daily routine to exactly what you need! Today I'm going to help break it down and give you some very basic ideas. This will be written for those who are looking to support their body's overall well-being. Specific health conditions won't be covered in this blog post. This is meant to be your starter guide! I will include some of the most beneficial oils and supplements and when are the most ideal times to use them.

Upon Awakening: PEPPERMINT

You've just opened your eyes - it's a new day. Time for some natural energy! 
Take 1 drop of Peppermint oil into your hands and inhale deeply. Do this while still laying in bed. 
This will promote natural awakening and a focused and balanced start to your day.

Before Breakfast: LEMON
Pour yourself a large glass of water. Key word here is 'glass'. Citrus oils consumed in the morning help to support healthy immunity and digestion, especially if taken before eating. But they can break down commercial plastics so make sure you are drinking them from a glass.
Try Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, or Wild Orange. Place 1-2 drops in your glass and enjoy!
Start small with citrus oils. Spread out 3-5 drops in your glasses throughout the day and increase as desired. 

It's time to transition to a non-toxic skin care regimen! The average woman uses over 515 chemicals on her skin in one day! It's time to change this ladies (and gentlemen)! 
There are natural options available that use essential oils as main ingredients. By eliminating the toxins in your skin care, you're helping to promote overall well-being and lessen the toxic load your body has to endure.

Place 2 drops of Frankincense under your tongue to help promote anti-inflammatory properties and overall wellness. If you do not want to take Frankincense internally, another option is to add it to your "Before Leaving the House" roller bottle that I describe below.

This is also the time you want to take your high quality vitamins and supplements. 

Who doesn't need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up? Especially after eating lunch!
If you are allowed a diffuser in your office (or you're at home), place 2-3 drops of both Peppermint and Wild Orange in your diffuser.
If you don't have access to a diffuser, simply put 1-2 drops of each in your hands and take deep inhalations. You can then rub the mixture on your neck, chest, and wrists for energy support.

Afternoon Meltdowns: LAVENDER
Every kid and adult sometimes has those afternoons that need some peace and balancing. If you're on the verge of melting down or notice your child is, Lavender is a great tool.
Place 2-3 drops into your hands and inhale deeply. Then apply to the back of your neck, chest, and wrists. 
If you have a diffuser, you can use 4-5 drops of Lavender to help promote a calming environment. This is also effective as the home is winding down for the day and preparing for sleep.

Time to wind down for the evening and prepare yourself for sleep. There are a variety of oils that help promote restful nights including Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Clary Sage, and Vetiver. They can be applied topically and/or diffused at the bedside.
It is best to switch up your sleep oils regularly to help promote the most relaxation and calming effects. 
Best advice is to apply 1-2 drops of each oil to the bottoms of your feet. You can apply one at a time and layer them or add them to a 10mL roller bottle and top with fractionated coconut oil and apply the mixture to your feet.

There are many oils that can be used throughout the day on-demand. These include:
  • Citrus and Grapefruit oils for sugar cravings and appetite suppression
  • Wintergreen and Lemongrass for muscle aches
  • Peppermint and Ginger for support of any digestive discomforts
  • Peppermint and Lavender for muscle tension and headaches

So there you have it! A routine that will work for just about every person out there. If you're looking for a good place to get started, this is it! Each of these oils I mentioned in today's blog post have a variety of uses and will benefit you and your family.

When you're ready to get started, send me an email and I'll put together a custom routine just for you.  I am happy to help work with any budget and get you started on your path to wellness using the most natural of products available!