
Monday, March 30, 2015

I Got Glutened! Now What?

I Got Glutened! Now What?

Sigh.... we've all done it. Every gluten free girl and guy out there has successfully gotten 'glutened'. You try so hard - read every label, ask 100 questions, check and double check - but sometimes, it sneaks in and you definitely don't see it coming. Now it's a few moments or few hours later and you feel like a truck hit you. As I write this post, I am recovering from a mild gluten exposure. I say mild because I'm doing half-way decent at the moment but if you had talked to me at 2am during the night, I thought I was dying! I spent hours pacing my apartment, praying for the pain to pass. Today I was exhausted and had headaches but I was able to perk up faster than ever before! That's right - there is good news! You can help yourself recover and get back to feeling fab faster than you thought possible! 

Now, I am not talking to my Celiacs out there. You are a unique group and know what you need to do to recover from your illness when it flares. While you may find this post interesting and helpful in ways, it's not geared towards you. But my gluten intolerant folks out there - this IS for you!

When you suffer from gluten poisoning, there are a variety of symptoms that may occur. Some feel them nearly immediately. Nausea and vomiting are the symptoms can present the quickest. Abdominal pain, bloating and gas, diarrhea, headaches, brain fog, body aches, and extreme fatigue are the most common symptoms that follow. These can develop over a few hours to a few days. Really the symptoms of being 'glutened' vary from one person to another.

One of the most obvious symptoms is the bloating that some of us get. I had never seen anything like this til I experienced it myself. The longer I stay off gluten, the faster this reaction tends to happen. It used to take a solid 12 hours but now I can begin to see the changes within a few hours of being 'glutened'.

The progression of my bloating after being 'glutened' March of 2014
There you have it. I'm not looking so hot! The first picture is the most impressive so here's that one by itself:

Honestly makes me sick looking at these pictures! Not to mention I am really not feeling well so try to look away from how terrible I look! Please know I am sharing what were some of my worst days with you so you can understand the intensity of what being 'glutened' can feel like. One of the things to note is not only is there obvious abdominal swelling but if you compare it to the final picture, there is swelling of the arms, chin, and face visible as well. This really affects the entire body! I can't tell you what it was like trying to squeeze my suddenly pregnant-feeling belly into a tight scrub top the next day!

And while bloating is the most obvious, the silent symptoms are the worst. The headaches are unbelievable. The abdominal cramping will stop you in your tracks. The nausea and indigestion are enough to make you swear off food all together. Now for the lovely side of things - the changes in bowel movements just plain sucks. Some deal with diarrhea, some with constipation, some a mix of the two. There's always lovely gas and as your intestines are so beyond inflamed, there can be mucous as well. See, didn't I tell you it was lovely? Trust me - I don't want to talk about this but I feel like I need to share what can happen so that if it's happening to you or a loved one, you can really get it. This is no joke people. It's utter misery! 

Now for the good news! You CAN help yourself recover from these gluten poisonings! Today I'm going to highlight the top ways to get yourself back on track ASAP!
  1. If at all possible, identify what food was your source. If there are left-overs, throw them away! Make a note so you can avoid this in the future! You may be able to handle the corn tortilla chips at one restaurant but not another - it can be that simple! 
  2. Drink water! Water, water, and more water is your friend. You need to flush your body of the toxin as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  3. Avoid caffeinated and carbonated beverages. This is the last thing your gut needs right now! Bubbles will only make the intestines feel worse and caffeine can make diarrhea and nausea worse so just stay away!
  4. Make some tea! Ginger, peppermint, and chamomile herbal teas are known for their properties to help ease stomach and intestinal discomfort. Since these are decaf and non-sugared, they also count towards your daily water intake, so drink up!
  5. Get probiotics on board! If you are already on a high quality probiotic, good for you! Whatever dose you are taking, I typically recommend doubling it during the time your body is suffering from the gluten. If you are not taking a probiotic, please invest in a high quality one ASAP. (I will address more on probiotics in a future post).
  6. Keep your foods simple. You need lots of protein to heal and recover but stay away from complex foods, grease, very fatty, spicy, and super salty foods. Stick to whole food goodness. Boil your vegetables so they are easier to digest. Eat multiple small meals throughout the day.
  7. Rest! If at all possible, nap and rest. Your body is going through a lot of inflammation and it desperately needs all the energy possible to maintain its recovery efforts. A light walk is fine to help move things along but don't stress yourself. Listen to your body and when you're tired - give in!
  8. Use alternative methods to help heal yourself. I am so lucky and blessed to have essential oils in my life. A combination of ginger, peppermint, fennel, orange, lavender, and basil will help you feel better fast. Simply inhaling the oils can help ease symptoms. If you're interested in essential oils, contact me.
  9. Take ibuprofen when you need it. While I am the first to tell you to stick with alternate methods of healing first before reaching for a medicine bottle, there is some solid evidence that getting ibuprofen on board early in the recovery process from gluten is very helpful. I recommend taking it every 6-8 hours to help with aches (both body and head) and also decreasing the inflammation in the gut.  
  10. Honor yourself. Keep tabs on how you feel. Sometimes it will change hour by hour. Treat yourself kindly. Use a heating pad, take a warm bath, enjoy a good book, and just take care of yourself. If you let go and just let your body heal, you will likely recover much quicker!
From one gluten free girl to all my other gluten free girls and guys - I wish you luck in never being 'glutened' but I also hope this has armed you with some new ideas to help you recover if it ever does happen!
If you have any tried and true recovery ideas, please post them in the comments below!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Kids and Essential Oils

Kids and Essential Oils

In a previous post I addressed Babies and Essential Oils. Today I'm going to talk about your older kids and how essential oils can help them. The options are really endless! You are going to be so excited to use essential oils in all aspects of your child's life. And just wait til them come asking for your magic oils! Kids don't judge - they just know what works - and trust me, they'll figure this out really quickly!

My dear friend Shannon's beautiful Jayden
I'm going to address the most common concerns you may encounter with your children. While the uses are really endless, I want to give you some great starting points. I will list these in alphabetical order to make your life easier! For even more specific concerns, go to Everything Essential for a wonderful reference!

Need for dilution still applies here but you can make your blends slightly stronger than you do for infants:
*1-2 drops of oil per 1 tsp of carrier oil*
Once again, I prefer fractionated coconut oil as the best carrier oil. As your children get older, you can begin to experiment with other carrier oils including almond, grapeseed, and avocado. 

  • Allergies
    • 1 drop Lemon + 1 drop Lavender + 1 drop Peppermint + FCO
    • Apply to bottoms of feet mornings and night
  • Asthma
    • 1 drop Eucalyptus + 1 drop Peppermint
    • Apply to chest or bottoms of feet as needed for respiratory support
  • Colds
    • 1-2 drops Eucalyptus and Peppermint + FCO
    • Apply to the back of neck, at onset of cold symptoms
    • 1 drop Melaleuca + FCO
    • Apply to the bottoms of the feet, repeat every 1-2 hours
  • Cough
    • 1 drop Peppermint + 1 drop Frankincense + FCO
    • Apply to chest, back, and feet several times per day for cough relief
  • Constipation
    • 1 drop Wild Orange + 1 drop Peppermint + FCO
    • Massage in a clockwise direction on the abdomen
  • Cuts/Scrapes
    • 1 drop Lavender + 1 drop Melaleuca + FCO
    • Apply to the affected area several times per day
  • Diarrhea
    • 1-2 drops Peppermint + FCO
    • Massage in a counter-clockwise direction onto the lower abdomen
  • Ear Infection
    • 1 drop Lavender + 1 drop Basil + 1 drop Frankincense + FCO
    • Apply to cotton ball and rub around the ear and down the neck
    • Do NOT ever put oils inside the ear!
  • Fever
    • 1 drop Peppermint + FCO
    • Apply to the forehead, back of neck, and bottoms of feet every 15-20 minutes until temperature comes down
  • Influenza
    • 1 drop Oregano + 1 drop Melaleuca + 1 drop Frankincense + FCO
    • Apply every 1-2 hours to bottoms of feet
  • Motion Sickness
    • 1-2 drops Peppermint and/or Ginger + FCO
    • Apply to bottoms of feet
  • Sore Throat
    • 1-2 drops Lavender + 1-2 drops Melaleuca + FCO
    • Apply topically over the throat/neck and around ears every 1-2 hours
I could go on forever but these are the top concerns that I'm asked about for children. If you have other concerns you would like addressed and added to this reference list, please let me know! When you are ready to begin your journey with essential oils, contact me!

My dear friend Sarah's little Robby and Makayla

Monday, March 23, 2015

Boosting Immunity

Boosting Immunity

Are you ready to feel stronger? Don't want to catch every bug that goes around? Want to feel like you don't need a hazmat suit to travel? It's time to boost your immune system!

Let's start with what we are eating and drinking. Everyone knows they 'should' eat better, but what does that mean? It does NOT need to be complicated. It doesn't have to require a book, seminar, webinar, formal training, or any other informational session. It's quite simple.
  • Fuel your body - Think of your body as a machine, the quality of the fuel you put in impacts the quality of the product you will get out!
    • Fruits and Veggies - at least 5 servings per day, preferably organic and local
    • Whole Grains - pick grains in their natural form and that give you the biggest bang per serving like brown rice or quinoa and breads that contain these whole grains like Ezekiel bread
    • Protein - pick lean meats, eggs, low fat dairy, and yogurts (especially greek or keifer) - whenever possible, choose organic
  • Water, Water, Water! 
    • You need at least 64oz of water per day - that's 8 glasses that are 8oz in size
    • For best results, take your body weight in pounds and divide by 2
      • Example: 180lb person needs 90oz of water per day
    • For every caffeinated beverage you drink, you need another glass of water!
    • Herbal decaf teas, lemon water, or carbonated naturally flavored waters are great alternatives
It's really that easy! Now we could go much more in depth on nutrition but that's not the point of this post.

So we have a well fueled and hydrated body. Now let's hit exercise.
  • 30 minutes of cardio every single day - this can be split up over the day
    • Walk around the block, park in the back of the lot, take the stairs, fidget in your chair
    • Aim for 10,000 steps per day
  • Strength train 3 days a week
    • Some simple weight lifting can lead to a stronger body and increased immune system

Vitamins and supplements - does anyone else feel confused by these? Keep it simple:
  • Take a high quality multi-vitamin every single day
  • Supplement with extra calcium and vitamin D (especially women)

Essential oils can also help support your immunity. These oils include Frankincense, Wild Orange, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, and many more! If this might be something you are interested in, contact me.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Babies and Essential Oils

Babies and Essential Oils

One of the most common questions that comes up with essential oils is are they safe for my baby? They absolutely can be! Once you have some basic information on safety, you are ready to take care of your little peanut in the most gentle and natural way possible.

My dear friend Kerry's precious Adaleigh

What are the most gentle oils to be used on babies? Most oils are safe for babies but these are the most gentle on their sensitive little bodies:
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Melaleuca (tea tree oil)
  • Lemon
  • Frankincense
  • Wild Orange
Are there any oils that should be avoided? Although most are safe, there are some that are much 'hotter' than others and should be supplemented with a more gentle oil whenever possible. These oils include:
  • Cassia
  • Cinnamon
  • Eucalyptus
  • Oregano
  • Peppermint
  • Thyme
Some popular blends may include some of the 'avoid' oils. Please use these only if the previous recommendations are ineffective and ALWAYS dilute these oils. I recommend testing on a very small area of skin, preferably bottom of the feet, to ensure your baby is not too sensitive to the oil.

Oils should be used with discretion and understand that the dose for a baby is as little as 1 drop (where an adult may be 2-4 drops). The oil should be diluted well. Here's the dilution rule:
*1 drop of oil per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil*
Fractionated coconut oil (FCO) is the most gentle of the carrier oils and is highly recommended for baby's skin. Simply place a teaspoon of the oil in your hand with the desired oil, gently rub together, then apply to baby's skin. You can also dilute the oils out into roller bottles, for example about 4 drops of any essential oil and the rest of the 10mL bottle filled with FCO. This can be purchased through essential oil companies or Amazon offers some here: FCO

Now let's address some specific baby health concerns. You need to make sure you use discretion with oils. They are not a replacement for good medical care. Please always consult your pediatrician's office when your baby is sick.
  • Digestive Concerns
    • 1 drop of Lavender + 1 drop of Wild Orange + 2 tsp FCO
    • Apply to the baby's abdomen in a clockwise direction for at least 30 seconds
    • Repeat application every 15-30 minutes until their belly has calmed down
  • Calming and Sleep
    • 1 drop of Lavender OR 1 drop of Roman Chamomile
    • Apply to the feet of the infant and the chest of the adult holding the infant to promote relaxation
    • Any extra oil can be wiped on baby's blanket (these oils do not stain)
    • These oils can also be diffused in baby's room to promote sleep and calm
  • Skin Concerns
    • 1 drop Lavender + 1 drop Melaleuca + 2 tsp FCO
    • Apply to the skin needing soothing, including the diaper area with every diaper change
    • It is best to use warm water and wash cloths to clean baby's bottom if they have a skin irritation
      • Chemicals in wipes can further cause irritation
  • Teething Discomfort
    • 1 drop Lavender OR 1 drop Roman Chamomile + 1 tsp FCO
    • Apply to the jawline (externally) as often as every 15-30 minutes to soothe
  • Ear Discomfort
    • 1 drop Lavender + 1 drop Melaleuca + 2 tsp FCO
    • Apply around the affected ear frequently, massaging the oil down towards the neck
    • Do NOT ever drop oils inside the ear!
  • Respiratory Health
    • 1 drop Melaleuca + 1 drop Lemon + 2 tsp FCO
    • Apply to the chest, back, and feet several times per hour
    • 1 drop Frankincense + 1 drop Lavender + 2 tsp FCO
    • Apply to the chest when breathing seems tight or rattling and loud

My dear friend Sarah's little Drew

Now you are armed with information on the most common issues your baby may face! You can also help support new parents around you and share the information. Please make sure any parent knows that not all oils are created equal. Many have fillers and preservatives. If you're ready to choose a wonderful brand, please contact me

Please note, these oils should not be used to replace your regular medications. Before making any changes, discuss your condition and plan with your doctor!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fighting Pain Naturally

Say Good-Bye to Pain the Natural Way!

Do you have pain? Who doesn't have an ache, sore muscle, bruised bone, or other hurt once in awhile? And some suffer from pain daily - dealing with the struggle to simply live everyday life. Today's post is devoted towards helping you to fight pain naturally. I have done a lot of research and today will help you navigate the many different options out there and available to you!

First, let's talk about food. Food has consistently been discussed as being the cause of ailments yet also the most powerful of medicines. It's all in how we choose our foods. I like to call this fuel for our bodies. Try to remember that with cheap full that is diluted and has fillers, engines do not run very well, and neither will our bodies! There are several foods that are known to help decrease pain:
  • Cherries - These potent babies contain anthocyanins which block inflammation and inhibit pain enzymes in a similar manner as aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen, according to Muraleedharan Nair, PhD at Michigan State University.
    • Have a bowl of cherries with your breakfast in the morning
    • Drink 8-12oz of tart cherry juice morning and night
  • Ginger - This is also a natural pain inhibitor and anti-inflammatory. Not only is it great for stomach ailments but it can help with migraines, arthritis, and muscle aches. The goal is to get at least 1/4 teaspoon in your diet daily.
    • Add grated ginger when you are cooking or add it to your smoothies
    • Make ginger tea by placing a slice of peeled ginger in cup of boiling water and allow it to seep for at least 15 minutes
  • Omega-3 Foods - These foods, like salmon and herring, help improve blood flow and decrease inflammation. The goal is to eat at least 3 servings per week. Most of us are not able to afford high quality Omega-3 rich foods nor eat them often enough. Therefore a supplement can be used. According to a study in the Journal of Neurology, taking 1200mg of Omega-3 per day can help decrease neck and back pain.
  • Tumeric - For achy joints and intestinal pains, tumeric is top of its class! This potent spice can help protect the body's tissues from destruction as well as joint inflammation. Aim for 1 tablespoon per day.
    • Tumeric can be sprinkled on salads, soups, grains, and vegetables
    • Tumeric tea as well as supplements (look for 95% curcuminoids) are also options
  • Sweets - Indulging on sweet items can help you decrease your pain by impacting your opioid system, similarly to pharmaceuticals. Choose wisely though as too much sugar will increase inflammation. A small piece of dark chocolate is a perfect way to get the benefit of the sweets but keep your inflammation level low.
While a well balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meat is key, adding in the foods and spices listed above can benefit you greatly! (And don't forget to drink your water!)

Now let's talk about essential oils. There are many tried and true essential oil combinations out there for every kind of ache and pain. Essential oils that can be used include Marjoram, Lavender, Wintergreen, Lemongrass, and Frankincense. There are many others available and specific protocols can be designed for you. If this is something you would be interested in, please contact me!

So we've covered food and oils. Now let's talk about exercise. This may be the one thing furthest on your mind when dealing with pain but hold on and let me tell you why. Exercise leads to the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the body's most potent pain killers. They block pain signals from ever reaching your brain and have the added bonus of decreasing anxiety, boosting mood, and alleviating stress. Be gentle with yourself. Any type of exercise will help release endorphins but you'll benefit the most if you can get your heart pumping. And don't forget to stretch!

Heat therapy is a wonderful option. If you've ever required physical therapy, I'm sure you have seen both ice and heat therapy being used to help people recover. This therapy is very underutilized at home. By increasing blood flow, you increase oxygen and healing nutrients to any damaged tissue. Heat also helps block pain signals. There are many options available including heating pads, rice packs, wearable heat wraps, and more. If you can find a product that offers moist heat, this is even more beneficial as it penetrates the tissues deeper. Ice therapy is also an option. Ice is the best method of calming inflammation and most pain has an inflammatory component. This acts as a natural pain reliever by slowing nerve signals. Always remember the rule of 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Your skin needs a break from both heat and ice therapy or you can cause more damage.

Find some sun! Spending just 10-15 minutes in direct sun every day can help decrease pain by boosting Vitamin D. In the winter months, Vitamin D can also be taken as a supplement. In a study at the University of Minnesota, 93% of 150 people suffering from unexplained sources of pain were Vitamin D deficient! 

Acupressure, acupuncture, and massage therapy all offer benefits that can help decrease pain. The practice of acupressure and acupuncture has long been used in Chinese medicine and while the exact ways it works is unknown, it is proven to work! Massage therapy is also very beneficial as it relieves tension and increases blood flow but also increases your endorphins, which we already discussed is the body's most potent natural pain killer.

Finally let's talk about mental health. We've all heard mind-over-matter, have we not? Well it's true. You really can help your pain by keeping your mind in a good place. Here are a few ideas:
  • Imagine yourself in a good place - by closing your eyes and using guided imagery, you can decrease your daily pain. This technique can be learned through a practitioner or by purchasing a CD or MP3 file.
  • Change your inner thinking - meditation can be very simple or made to be complex. It can be as easy as listening to a pleasing sound, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breath. Others enjoy the more challenging meditation techniques offered by audio guidance. Begin with only a few moments and gradually increase to 30 minutes. If you feel pain during the meditation, simply acknowledge it, feel it, then find your sound again and refocus. It will take practice and dedication but the benefits can be very rewarding!

I hope today's post has given you some insight into natural ways to manage pain. Pain, especially for those that suffer from it daily, can be a cause of anxiety, depression, and stress. Get on top of your pain and keep it under control. Please always keep in contact with your health care provider and ensure the decisions you make will not affect any therapy you are currently under. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Gluten Intolerance

Living a Gluten Free Life - Gluten Intolerance

Food allergies and intolerance issues are blowing up on social media! I'd like to deviate away from essential oils and tackle this topic today. 

Everyone seems to understand and accept food allergies. People are allergic to peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, and a little of everything else. The general public accepts this and acknowledges the potential danger that occurs if the item is ingested or sometimes even inhaled or touched. But what about food intolerance? Ah, this is where the debate begins!

Gluten free diets have gotten a bad reputation. People who deal with Celiac disease have been living gluten free lives for many many years, long before gluten free was cool! They have extreme illness and intestinal damage when gluten is consumed so they must live a gluten free life to stay healthy. But what about everyone else? Yes, most people will lose weight if they go gluten free. You are basically going on a lower carb diet and watching what you eat - therefore there is weight loss. But with so many commercial gluten free options out there - it is no guaranteed healthy change! Then there are those of us who are gluten free because we are intolerant. Now you will read a lot of information that this is a hoax. Well I'm here to tell my story and you can make the decision for yourself!

Gluten intolerance can present itself with so many symptoms, it's impossible to create a complete list. Basically anything that could stem from inflammation COULD be a gluten intolerance symptom. Well in my mid-20s I was so bogged down with hormone imbalance, devastating asthma, allergies, migraines, and general illness - I knew I had to do something! I went to a physician who specialized in both Western and Holistic Medicine. She was the first to recommend a gluten free diet. Then my PA at my OBGYN office recommended it. So they had to be onto something. I tried it at first - well kind of. Every buy a cheap loaf of gluten free bread? Ha! It's like eating cardboard or possibly worse! I went back and forth and never really read nutrition labels. That's not enough. If you are going gluten free - it's all the way or not at all! 

So before we go any further, what exactly is gluten? Well gluten is a protein found in many grains and commercial products. It helps foods hold their shape and acts like glue.

I don't know what was my tipping point but one day I decided, that's it, I'm done feeling like crap, let's see if this gluten free thing might work. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, one of the BEST decision of my life! Now everyone needs to understand, the gluten in your system can take a few months to really be cleansed out. And you will accidentally gluten yourself with things like soy sauce until you learn where gluten hides. But once you do and your body heals, it is amazing.

Weekly migraines - completely gone and off all medicines
Asthma requiring injections every 2 weeks just to keep me out of the hospital - almost completely gone and able to come off the injections and inhalers
Environmental allergies - much improved
Stomach issues including gallbladder pain and acid reflux - almost completely gone

I did NOTHING else in my life during this time except eliminate gluten. Now, when I do get 'glutened', I look about 7 months pregnant within 24-48 hours. I have miserable headaches, stomach cramps, fatigue, and all-around feel like junk. Now that I see what this does to my body, I know I'm better off without it! You tell me - fad diet or true intolerance?

Now, does everyone need a gluten free life? Absolutely not! Just like everyone isn't lactose intolerant - everyone is not gluten intolerant. But if you suffer from chronic daily complaints, I would highly recommend investing some time and giving it a go! Your body just may thank you for it! The best way to start is an elimination diet. This gets rid of all the top inflammatory foods that could be affecting your body. This is a huge commitment. I chose to simply get rid of gluten and had amazing results with that alone. 

I will do a future post that is more specific to gluten free diets and I'll discuss the elimination diet plan. I'll talk about my favorite GF products, where gluten is hiding, and the most common questions and concerns.... stay tuned!

If you are looking for more information, here's a great place to start: