
Monday, March 9, 2015

Gluten Intolerance

Living a Gluten Free Life - Gluten Intolerance

Food allergies and intolerance issues are blowing up on social media! I'd like to deviate away from essential oils and tackle this topic today. 

Everyone seems to understand and accept food allergies. People are allergic to peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, and a little of everything else. The general public accepts this and acknowledges the potential danger that occurs if the item is ingested or sometimes even inhaled or touched. But what about food intolerance? Ah, this is where the debate begins!

Gluten free diets have gotten a bad reputation. People who deal with Celiac disease have been living gluten free lives for many many years, long before gluten free was cool! They have extreme illness and intestinal damage when gluten is consumed so they must live a gluten free life to stay healthy. But what about everyone else? Yes, most people will lose weight if they go gluten free. You are basically going on a lower carb diet and watching what you eat - therefore there is weight loss. But with so many commercial gluten free options out there - it is no guaranteed healthy change! Then there are those of us who are gluten free because we are intolerant. Now you will read a lot of information that this is a hoax. Well I'm here to tell my story and you can make the decision for yourself!

Gluten intolerance can present itself with so many symptoms, it's impossible to create a complete list. Basically anything that could stem from inflammation COULD be a gluten intolerance symptom. Well in my mid-20s I was so bogged down with hormone imbalance, devastating asthma, allergies, migraines, and general illness - I knew I had to do something! I went to a physician who specialized in both Western and Holistic Medicine. She was the first to recommend a gluten free diet. Then my PA at my OBGYN office recommended it. So they had to be onto something. I tried it at first - well kind of. Every buy a cheap loaf of gluten free bread? Ha! It's like eating cardboard or possibly worse! I went back and forth and never really read nutrition labels. That's not enough. If you are going gluten free - it's all the way or not at all! 

So before we go any further, what exactly is gluten? Well gluten is a protein found in many grains and commercial products. It helps foods hold their shape and acts like glue.

I don't know what was my tipping point but one day I decided, that's it, I'm done feeling like crap, let's see if this gluten free thing might work. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, one of the BEST decision of my life! Now everyone needs to understand, the gluten in your system can take a few months to really be cleansed out. And you will accidentally gluten yourself with things like soy sauce until you learn where gluten hides. But once you do and your body heals, it is amazing.

Weekly migraines - completely gone and off all medicines
Asthma requiring injections every 2 weeks just to keep me out of the hospital - almost completely gone and able to come off the injections and inhalers
Environmental allergies - much improved
Stomach issues including gallbladder pain and acid reflux - almost completely gone

I did NOTHING else in my life during this time except eliminate gluten. Now, when I do get 'glutened', I look about 7 months pregnant within 24-48 hours. I have miserable headaches, stomach cramps, fatigue, and all-around feel like junk. Now that I see what this does to my body, I know I'm better off without it! You tell me - fad diet or true intolerance?

Now, does everyone need a gluten free life? Absolutely not! Just like everyone isn't lactose intolerant - everyone is not gluten intolerant. But if you suffer from chronic daily complaints, I would highly recommend investing some time and giving it a go! Your body just may thank you for it! The best way to start is an elimination diet. This gets rid of all the top inflammatory foods that could be affecting your body. This is a huge commitment. I chose to simply get rid of gluten and had amazing results with that alone. 

I will do a future post that is more specific to gluten free diets and I'll discuss the elimination diet plan. I'll talk about my favorite GF products, where gluten is hiding, and the most common questions and concerns.... stay tuned!

If you are looking for more information, here's a great place to start:

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