Friday, August 7, 2015

Croup - The Craziest Cough You Have Ever Heard!

Croup - A Crazy Cough For Sure!

It's the middle of the night, maybe 2am. You are laying in bed, sound asleep, and suddenly you hear your child wake up. They've been a little run down, slight fever, clear runny nose, but nothing serious. Now though you hear a high-pitched barky cough coming from their bedroom. You go to their bedside and they just keep coughing and coughing til they throw up. They cry for you and their voice is hoarse. What happened to your sweet peanut that only had a mild cold a few hours ago? And now what do you do?

If this sounds familiar, you may have encountered the lovely illness of croup. Croup is a contagious disease, most often seen in fall and early winter, but can occur anytime during the year. Croup is a viral infection that causes swelling of the upper airways, specifically the larynx (where the voice box is) in the upper neck. It's what gives croup that very classic loud, hoarse, and barky cough. Croup is most often worse at night. The noises can be very scary so let's take a moment and break it down.

If at any time, your child is resting quietly, not crying or coughing, and they are making high pitched noises with each breath or are having difficulty breathing, please take them to the nearest emergency room. Any child who appears very ill, is blue or pale around their lips, or is showing signs of dehydration needs to be seen immediately.

Now, for those children who are breathing comfortably, there are lots of home methods that can help your child feel better and you rest comfortably. 
  • First and most effective, cold air! If your child is in the midst of a coughing attack, bundle them up and take them outside into the cold air (if you live somewhere it's cold outside) or simply open the freezer door and let your child breathe in the air. Think of it as putting an ice pack on their swollen airways. You should see improvement pretty rapidly.
  • Second, moist air! Using a cool mist humidifier in the child's bedroom and/or steaming up the bathroom and letting them breathe that in for 10-15 minutes is very effective. Many healthcare providers recommend alternating between warm moist air (steamy bathroom) and cool air (outdoors or freezer). 
  • Third, keep your child comfortable! Keep an eye on fevers and treat them accordingly with acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen. This will also help keep any aches under control.
  • Fourth, make sure your child is hydrated! Make sure you are offering sips of fluids to your child regularly. Fevers and coughs are dehydrating and they can lose energy quickly if their fluids are running low. Make sure you are getting a good 2-3 wet diapers per day at minimum.
  • Finally, see a healthcare provider if there are any concerns! There are medications that can be used to help your child get through croup if they are having a particularly rough course. Dexamethasone is a steroid given orally or as an injection that can be used to help take down some of the swelling in the larynx and ease the symptoms of croup. There are also inhaled medications but those are reserved for children who are very ill. 
While there is no quick cure for croup, there are definitely ways to make it easier on your child and help them recover faster. If you use essential oils, I highly recommend Breathe. Diffuse it in their bedroom or apply diluted to the feet and chest of the child (please see my essential oils for kids post for more information). 

Friday, July 31, 2015

Managing Mood with Essential Oils

Managing Mood with Essential Oils

One of the top reasons people are interested in essential oils is mood management. Many are looking to support positive mood, promote balance, increase energy, encourage restful sleep, and so much more. Essential oils are a wonderful way to work towards excellent mental health. Everyone will find a combination that suits them. Today we're going to go through some of the top concerns and possible oil combinations that can work for you.

Promote Adaptability and Optimism
  • Basil
  • Frankincense
  • Melissa
  • Citrus Oils
Promote Determination, Initiative, and Passion
  • Wild Orange
  • Lime
  • Ginger
  • Lemongrass
  • Vetiver
  • Peppermint

Promote Restful Sleep and Calm

  • Vetiver + Lavender
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Frankincense
  • Basil
  • Bergamot + Patchouli

Promote Focus, Passion, Motivation, and Drive

  • Peppermint
  • Vetiver + Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Clove
  • Frankincense + Wild Orange and/or Peppermint

Promote Energy, Focus, and Memory

  • Support Adrenals
    • Basil
    • Rosemary
  • Promote Focus and Inspiration During Projects
    • Geranium
    • Ylang Ylang
    • Rose
  • Promote Energy and Oxygenation
    • Cypress + Frankincense
    • Citrus Oils

Promote Peaceful Mind

  • Lavender
  • Clary Sage
  • Frankincense
  • Vetiver

Promote Coping

  • Support those with Pain
    • Clove
    • Wintergreen
    • Lemongrass
    • Eucalyptus
  • Support those with Grief, Broken Heart, and Discouragement
    • Melissa
    • Lime
    • Geranium
    • Ylang Ylang
    • Clary Sage
    • Rose

Blend for Children and Adults looking for Focus, Peace, and Calm

  • 85 drops Vetiver
  • 30 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 30 drops Lavender
  • 20 drops Frankincense
  • 15 drops Clary Sage
  • 10 drops Marjoram
Place the above oils into a roller bottle or glass spray bottle. Top with fractionated coconut oil. Roll onto the bottoms of the feet as needed.

Are you ready to try essential oils? Contact me anytime for a personal assessment and a protocol geared for you!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Handling Headaches with Essential Oils

Handling Headaches with Essential Oils

We all get headaches. Every single person - child, teenager, and adults - men and women - I don't honestly think there's a single person who can say they haven't had a headache. There are so many causes of headaches and because of that, one answer does not fit all. So today's blog is going to tackle the most common causes of headaches and ways you can treat them naturally with essential oils.

General Headaches - no particular cause, can occur anywhere on the head
  1. One drop of peppermint over the spot that is hurting is often enough to help decrease or even stop the headache in it's tracks. Please do not get in your eyes!
  2. Second best oil is Rosemary followed closely by Basil, Clove, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram, and Patchouli. You'll need to try different combinations til you achieve your favorite combination.
  3. You can diffuse a combination of any of these oils. Please note that Peppermint is energizing so you'll want to avoid this in the evenings if you're sensitive to it.
  4. My routine: 1 drop peppermint massaged onto the temples and 1 drop to the back of the neck followed by 1 drop of Frankincense massaged onto the temples and then 1 drop of Lavender massaged onto the temples and 1 drop to the back of the neck. It may seem like a lot but really, it takes about 2-3 minutes and you'll have quick relief.
Tension Headaches - typically feels like a tight band around the head and affects neck and shoulder
  1. Apply Peppermint to the temples, forehead, back of the neck, and over the tops of the shoulders for near immediate pain relief. Use caution to avoid your eyes.
Gastric Headaches - usually hurt all over, caused by bad food or food sensitivity
  1. Apply 1-2 drops of Lavender, Peppermint, and/or Rosemary to the temples and back of neck.
  2. Diffuse 3-4 drops of Lavender, Peppermint, and Rosemary.
Migraine Headaches - often occur in one area of the head, can include nausea along with light/sound sensitivity
  1. 1 drop of Frankincense held to the roof of the mouth using your thumb for a few moments.
  2. Apply 1-2 drops of lavender to the back of the neck and base of the skull..
  3. 1-2 drops of Peppermint and Ginger applied topically or taken internally for nausea offers quick relief.
Ideally whenever you have a headache, you would apply the oils every 15 minutes until you find adequate relief. A cool compress to the forehead and neck can be very helpful. If at all possible, a nap is ideal. If you are in the throws of a migraine and cannot tolerate oils to your head and neck, then apply them to your feet and put cotton socks over top. 

Interested in essential oils? Contact me!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Could Gluten Be My Problem?

Could Gluten Be My Problem?

Awhile back I posted a blog about gluten intolerance. You can check it out: Gluten Intolerance. I'm finding there's still some grey area and questions I would like to help answer. One interesting thing has happened since I posted that blog - - my GI doctor told me she's very sure I have celiac disease. What? I thought gluten issues were a fad? I thought you had to be underweight and very sick to have celiac. How wrong was I? Now, there are many people who suffer from severe celiac disease and I applaud them for the fight they endure every day to just live their daily lives. What I didn't know was the variety of symptoms. 

At this time, I have chosen to not be officially tested. Reason being there are 2 tests available and I'm not ready for either of them. First is a blood sample but you must have consumed gluten products for 2 weeks before it is taken and the second is an intestinal biopsy. I know I cannot function if I simply consume a small amount of gluten let alone 2 weeks worth and the biopsy, while not that big of a deal, is just a procedure I'm not interested in currently. My doctor is very ok with this. She knows I'm improved immensely since going gluten free and whether it's a severe intolerance or true celiac, the treatment is the same - stay gluten free!

According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, 1 in 133 people have celiac disease or approximately 1% of the population. Nearly 83% of these patients will be misdiagnosed for years. Up to 22% of them will have a relative with celiac as well.

According to my doctor, GI specialists are recognizing the seriousness of gluten intolerance/sensitivity. This means the person does not have celiac disease but has a problem with gluten. While it's a fad when it comes to people trying to lose weight, it's a very real diagnosis for many people. According to a physician-reviewed article on About Health - Celiac, they also have estimated that gluten sensitivity/intolerance is a problem for as much as 7-10% of the population. Some physicians are going as far as estimating 50% of the population may have some problems with gluten. Now because there is no official test for gluten intolerance, these numbers are estimates. Physicians have to sort through symptoms and patients must adhere to a gluten-free diet and if it works, you have your diagnosis. Interestingly, there are some new lab tests that can look for gluten sensitivity and it's been found that up to 65% of those that suffer from irritable bowel syndrome test positive for the sensitivity. That is a huge percentage! I had this test performed a few years ago, before I got serious about going gluten free, and my test was very positive! I had sensitivities to wheat, barley, rye, millet, and more. It's the first time I even considered gluten as being the culprit to my daily problems.

Understanding the difference between true celiac disease and gluten intolerance/sensitivity can be difficult. Take a moment to look at this chart provided by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness. It is very helpful in understanding the different diagnoses.

So let's go into some more discussion of symptoms. The variety is actually unbelievable. There are over 300 symptoms that can be tied to celiac disease! You can take a look at the list here. No wonder diagnosing celiac and gluten intolerance is such a challenge! Now the first thing people think of is digestive complaints. While this is true, and is the most prevalent symptom in children, it may not be for adults. Let's break it down. These are the symptom lists from Celiac Disease Foundation. The most common symptoms in children:
  • Abdominal bloating and pain
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stools
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability and behavioral issues
  • Dental enamel defects of the permanent teeth
  • Delayed growth and puberty
  • Short stature
  • Failure to thrive
  • ADHD
Now, children do not have to have all of these symptoms! These are simply the most commonly reported symptoms associated with a celiac diagnosis in children. Now let's look at the list for adults. While 1/3 of adults will report digestive system complaints, the most commonly other reported symptoms are:
  • Unexplained iron-deficiency anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Bone and/or joint pain
  • Arthritis
  • Bone loss or osteoporosis
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Tingling numbness in the hands and feet
  • Seizures or migraines
  • Missed menstrual periods
  • Infertility or recurrent miscarriage
  • Canker sores
  • Itchy skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
Again, adults may not have all of these symptoms. It just is very helpful in painting the clinic picture of celiac disease. Now what about symptoms of gluten sensitivity/intolerance? According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, the top reported symptoms of gluten sensitivity/intolerance are:
  • Foggy mind
  • Depression
  • ADHD-like behavior
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Bone and/or joint pain
  • Chronic fatigue
Just like with celiac disease, you do not have to have all of these symptoms but they are the most common. There are also hundreds more symptoms that 'can' be tied back to gluten sensitivity/intolerance. The list of hundreds of symptoms I shared earlier is almost identical to the list of gluten sensitivity/intolerance symptoms. 

So what is the cure? It's very simple. For both celiac disease and gluten intolerance/sensitivity, the cure is a 100% gluten free diet! Combined with a positive attitude, you can watch your symptoms disappear. As I talked about in my first blog post on this topic, I saw huge improvements in digestive issues, migraines, asthma, allergies, anxiety, frequent infections, and general well-being. Now please know that the years of damage and inflammation from eating gluten will not disappear overnight. Your body will need time to heal, usually several months. You will instantly 'feel' better but will continue to see improvements over the next 6 months to 2 years.

If you're considering gluten may be a problem for you, this checklist will help you break your symptoms down. Fill it out, print it up, and take it with you to your doctor. Unfortunately many physicians still don't fully understand or will even diagnose a gluten sensitivity/intolerance. You must advocate for yourself! If they are not comfortable with the diagnosis, then seek out a specialist who is! Get yourself examined by an expert. The symptoms associated with celiac and gluten intolerance/sensitivity can also be warning signs to other underlying diagnoses so please don't make this diagnosis without a health care provider's assistance. 

When you're ready to go gluten free, the internet will be your best friend. There are so many wonderful resources, recipes, online shopping, etc that will help make your transition a positive one. Here's a great article by the Mayo Clinic on gluten free diets. The most important part of a gluten free diet is preparation! You must read every single label. You have to study menus before going to restaurants or request their gluten free or allergy menu. Yes it is a pain but the pain of gluten symptoms is far worse!

Here's some great websites to help you in your journey:

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Salt Life

The Salt Life

Just over a year ago, if you had asked me about the ocean, I was limited to what I remember from my cruises and Florida vacations, which were few. I lived in a state surrounded by gorgeous lakes. Lake-life is what I knew. As the magnet my mom found me states: Great Lakes, Unsalted and Shark Free!

Now I live at 'the oceanfront' of Virginia Beach. Who would've thought this Midwesterner girl who drank pop (especially Vernors), went to Canada on field trips, used a doorwall, and worked her entire adult career in Detroit (the Motor City) would wind up living 6 blocks from the Atlantic? Well it surely wasn't me but I've learned a lot in my first year here and I have no regrets! Every picture I'm going to share with you today was taken by me during my first year here in Virginia.

#1 - The Ocean Waves Never End

There is something about the rhythm of ocean waves that make you feel calm and at ease. I find there is no way to be anxious if you're sitting on the beach and simply listening to the waves roll and crash against the shore. This is God's natural 'sound machine' on repeat. I find my heart rate regulates, my breathing becomes slower and deeper, and I can literally get lost in the moment (or hours....).

#2 Sunrises Over the Ocean Are Breathtaking

I come from Michigan, a state that is known for their sunsets. Utterly gorgeous and colorful pictures drawn on the sky almost nightly. Then I moved to the Atlantic. We are lucky to get a decent sunset here but oh my word do we get sunrises! It is almost impossible to capture the true beauty as you watch over the ocean and the sky transitions from dark to dawn to full sun. The purples, blues, pinks, oranges, yellows, and every other color God could imagine dance across the sky and change minute to minute. It is a site to see and every time you attend God's morning movie, it changes!

#3 Seashell Collecting Is Deep

When I first moved here, I was blessed to be taken in by a handful of ER nurses. (Trust me, this is a blessing - us ER ladies are not an easy group to break into!) They invited me to their beach day and then is when I learned about seashell hunting. I was getting excited over clam shells - oh my did I have a lot to learn! As I spent my first summer gleaning from the masters in shell hunting, I found the activity not only required some skill (and a lot of luck) but patient, perseverance, respect, and gratitude. There are days fully intact conchs and sand dollars will literally roll out at your feet and there are days you're the one getting rolled by the waves for nothing.
Tracy, my fellow ER coworker and seashell hunting master, said this recently in a Facebook post: 
"I think the reason I like shell hunting so much is that it teaches so many things: 
Appreciation: small things in life can bring so much happiness.
Patience: what you are meant to have will come to you in time.
Determination: sometimes you have to work hard for the good things in life.
Optimism: maybe today you are empty handed, but there is always tomorrow.
And there is no greater feeling of peace than when you are surrounded by the beauty of nature."

#4 Dolphins Are Magical

If you have never had the honor of witnessing these amazing creatures in their natural habitat, you have not yet been privy to one of God's most magical creatures. The first time I spotted dolphins at the beach, I literally squealed with delight. All I could spot where the fins of a family of dolphins off in the distance, going in and out of the water so gracefully, barely breaking the surface. I watched with complete attention, guessing where they would show up next on the horizon. Little did I know as the waters began to warm, they would venture closer and closer to the shoreline. The closer they came, the louder their conversations became. You can listen to them talk to each other, almost giddy in their tone. I've been honored to witness this on several occasions now and am awestruck every time. I do believe dolphins make the list of natural ocean events that will stop both tourists and locals in their tracks every time.

#5 Full Moons Rising Over the Atlantic are Unbelievable

As an ER nurse, I have the ultimate respect for full moons. I know the impact they have on society in general and can turn a shift of calm into complete chaos. But never had I been blessed to see such a site as a full moon rising over the ocean. As if the sunrise wasn't already gorgeous enough, this was unreal. We have gorgeous full moons in Michigan but never anything like this. The amount of light the moon reflects off the water is absolutely stunning. To realize it has so much power, all you have to do is watch the tides. Just before a large full moon, the tides change drastically. You suddenly can walk 50 feet out into the water and stay ankle deep where as the day before you would've been in over your head. The waves come together in different directions and the usually unseen sandy ocean floor becomes visible. It's a phenomena that I am still floored by every time it happens.

So at the end of the day, these are my most important lessons learned living by the ocean. They are all things I have no control over and yet I love them. It is amazing for someone who struggles with control and anxiety to admit this. There is something about the ocean, it's waves, tides, shells, and wild-life, that just draw you in. It calms you deep on the inside. It promotes complete relaxation. It's as if your body's functions begin to correlate with the ocean's rhythm. It also promotes activity, time in the sun, and sanity. There is nothing better after a long ER shift than taking a deep breath of salt air and having sandy feet! 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Daily Routines Using Essential Oils

Developing a Daily Routine with Essential Oils

One of the most overwhelming thoughts people have in regards to essential oils is where on earth do I begin? The best part about essential oils is you can customize your daily routine to exactly what you need! Today I'm going to help break it down and give you some very basic ideas. This will be written for those who are looking to support their body's overall well-being. Specific health conditions won't be covered in this blog post. This is meant to be your starter guide! I will include some of the most beneficial oils and supplements and when are the most ideal times to use them.

Upon Awakening: PEPPERMINT

You've just opened your eyes - it's a new day. Time for some natural energy! 
Take 1 drop of Peppermint oil into your hands and inhale deeply. Do this while still laying in bed. 
This will promote natural awakening and a focused and balanced start to your day.

Before Breakfast: LEMON
Pour yourself a large glass of water. Key word here is 'glass'. Citrus oils consumed in the morning help to support healthy immunity and digestion, especially if taken before eating. But they can break down commercial plastics so make sure you are drinking them from a glass.
Try Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, or Wild Orange. Place 1-2 drops in your glass and enjoy!
Start small with citrus oils. Spread out 3-5 drops in your glasses throughout the day and increase as desired. 

It's time to transition to a non-toxic skin care regimen! The average woman uses over 515 chemicals on her skin in one day! It's time to change this ladies (and gentlemen)! 
There are natural options available that use essential oils as main ingredients. By eliminating the toxins in your skin care, you're helping to promote overall well-being and lessen the toxic load your body has to endure.

Place 2 drops of Frankincense under your tongue to help promote anti-inflammatory properties and overall wellness. If you do not want to take Frankincense internally, another option is to add it to your "Before Leaving the House" roller bottle that I describe below.

This is also the time you want to take your high quality vitamins and supplements. 

Who doesn't need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up? Especially after eating lunch!
If you are allowed a diffuser in your office (or you're at home), place 2-3 drops of both Peppermint and Wild Orange in your diffuser.
If you don't have access to a diffuser, simply put 1-2 drops of each in your hands and take deep inhalations. You can then rub the mixture on your neck, chest, and wrists for energy support.

Afternoon Meltdowns: LAVENDER
Every kid and adult sometimes has those afternoons that need some peace and balancing. If you're on the verge of melting down or notice your child is, Lavender is a great tool.
Place 2-3 drops into your hands and inhale deeply. Then apply to the back of your neck, chest, and wrists. 
If you have a diffuser, you can use 4-5 drops of Lavender to help promote a calming environment. This is also effective as the home is winding down for the day and preparing for sleep.

Time to wind down for the evening and prepare yourself for sleep. There are a variety of oils that help promote restful nights including Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Clary Sage, and Vetiver. They can be applied topically and/or diffused at the bedside.
It is best to switch up your sleep oils regularly to help promote the most relaxation and calming effects. 
Best advice is to apply 1-2 drops of each oil to the bottoms of your feet. You can apply one at a time and layer them or add them to a 10mL roller bottle and top with fractionated coconut oil and apply the mixture to your feet.

There are many oils that can be used throughout the day on-demand. These include:
  • Citrus and Grapefruit oils for sugar cravings and appetite suppression
  • Wintergreen and Lemongrass for muscle aches
  • Peppermint and Ginger for support of any digestive discomforts
  • Peppermint and Lavender for muscle tension and headaches

So there you have it! A routine that will work for just about every person out there. If you're looking for a good place to get started, this is it! Each of these oils I mentioned in today's blog post have a variety of uses and will benefit you and your family.

When you're ready to get started, send me an email and I'll put together a custom routine just for you.  I am happy to help work with any budget and get you started on your path to wellness using the most natural of products available!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Probiotics - What's the Hype About?


I'm sure you've seen the many TV commercials for name brand yogurts and probiotics that 'may help regulate occasional irregularity'. They make everyone in the world seem so uncomfortable and walking around with these vague digestive complaints. Reality is - most of us have digestive issues. It's not uncommon. Let's just be frank about it - gas, constipation, diarrhea - there, I said it! Our guts are mistreated by our diet and chronic dehydration regularly. We take medications to treat illnesses that cause side effects that require more medications. We don't use food as fuel but instead only land ourselves with more problems. That's a whole other discussion and likely future blog post. Food As Medicine... stay tuned!

Today we are focusing on probiotics. The good bacteria in your body! What exactly are they? They are live bacteria and yeast that are in our body and keep us healthy. There are over 500 strains living in our bodies! They help with digestion and keep our immune systems strong. There are many many types of naturally occurring organisms in our bodies and in foods that can be classified as probiotics. 

So when do we need supplementation with probiotics? 
  • During and after taking antibiotics
    • Antibiotics have a very specific job to do - kill bacteria. Only problem is, they don't particularly care which bacteria they kill. They do a fine job of hitting them all. How many people have you heard complain about getting yeast infections or diarrhea while or just after taking antibiotics? It is not uncommon and so many people think it's an allergy. It's not - it's the body being completely out of balance. By supplementing with probiotics, you can help re-balance the good and bad bacteria and potentially avoid these side effects!
  • Frequent illness sufferers
    • Probiotics help decrease the amount of 'bad' bacteria in our systems by increasing the 'good' guys and not allowing the 'bad' to take over. This helps keep our bodies working in tip top shape, like they should.
  • Motility issues
    • Probiotics help move things through our gut at the perfect rate. Those who suffer from IBS, IBD, infectious diarrhea, and/or antibiotic-related diarrhea will benefit from adding probiotics into their daily routine.
  • Other complaints and concerns
    • Probiotics aren't just helpful for gut issues. Some have found other conditions respond very well to probiotic introduction. These include eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions, urinary and vaginal health, prevention of allergies and colds, and oral health. 
So where do you start? There are so many brands and so many different types, it's difficult to just pick one. First thing I have to recommend is have a chat with your health care provider. Most of us are relatively well versed in probiotics however most patients don't want to hear about them so we don't bring it up. I've begun including prescriptions for probiotic with all my patients that require high dose antibiotics. Once I explain what probiotics are, I have yet to have a family turn me down!

What types of probiotics should you look for? I said earlier there are over 500 strains in the body. But some are definitely more powerful than others and will provide the best bang for your buck. So while most companies will advertise the number of strains they boast are in their product, take a minute and flip it over. Check the label. Here's 6 of the most powerful strains to look for:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus: 
    • Maintains the integrity of intestinal walls 
    • Promotes absorption of nutrients
    • Helps support immune function
  • Lactobacillus fermentum: 
    • Assists in neutralizing the toxic products that are created during digestion
    • Helps keep a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus:
    • Most effective in reducing traveler's diarrhea
  • Bifidobacteria bifidum:
    • Needed by both the small and large intestine for easy digestion
    • Helps in the breakdown of dairy products
  • Bifidobacteria longum:
    • Helps crowd out bad bacteria that can cause discomfort in the gut
    • Helps neutralize everyday toxins
    • Breaks down carbohydrates efficiently without producing excess gas
Ok, so you're ready to take the probiotic plunge! Boost your immune system, protect yourself from toxins, and help heal your digestive tract from years of abuse. What are you going to invest in?

Food Sources: I recommend for those who don't have any major issues to simply increase their intake of high quality yogurt. I personally love Fage greek yogurt. Other food sources include keifer, sauerkraut, high quality dark chocolate, miso soup, and komboucha tea.

Commercial Brands: Two of the most common brands are Culturelle and Align. These are readily available at most stores and are fairly well tolerated by most people. As I deal with many chronic gut issues and immunity issues, I take a higher quality probiotic that offers a variety of strains of live cultures called Dr. Ohhira's which was recommended to me by a physician and naturopath. For infants, Florastor has been approved for age 2 months and older - this is the one I prescribe for my little patients. You will notice the higher the quality, the higher the price. If you're not suffering from significant digestive ailments or immunity concerns, there's no reason to jump to the biggest, baddest probiotic supplement available. Another thing to take note of is some probiotics require refrigeration from the time of purchase and/or from the time of opening. It's all dependent on how it's produced. Take note of this because failure to do so means a very costly supplement with no benefits!

Now are there any side effects? Of course there can be! Just like when you introduce more fiber into your diet (which you should by the way), if you advance too quickly your gut doesn't have time to adjust and there can be undesirable side effects. Same thing goes for probiotics. I recommend taking the supplement as directed and know you may have very mild cramping, upset stomach, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. This should only be mild and occur during your first week as you adjust to having more good bacteria and the bad guys get put back into proper proportion. Many people will not have these side effects at all. They are more common with higher dose probiotics. 
*Occasionally there can be an allergy to a probiotic - please immediately stop taking the probiotic and consult your physician if you think you are having an allergic reaction.

So that's the general scoop on probiotics. They are the good guys! How many articles do we read about the gut being the key to good health? Well these little probiotics are definitely the right helpers! I recommend them to adults and children regularly and am an avid user myself! 

Cheers to your gut's health!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Fighting Back When the Stomach Flu is After You!

Is the Stomach Flu After You?

I'm not sure if there could possibly be anything worse than a bout with the stomach flu. It's got a lot of different names but the official term is gastroenteritis - meaning inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Aside from what many may think, it actually does not come from the 'flu' or influenza virus. Unfortunately many think that the yearly flu shot will protect against gastroenteritis, but it is a very different 'flu' and will have no effect - sorry folks, there's no shot to protect against this bug!

So where does gastroenteritis come from? Gastroenteritis is really a term for all of the symptoms that accompany the illness. The actual illness can be bacterial, viral, or parasitic in nature. Most commonly, children and adults in the United States will suffer from bacterial or viral causes vs parasites.
  • Bacteria
    • E-Coli
    • Samonella
      • Undercooked poultry, eggs, and poultry juices
      • Pet reptiles and live poultry
    • Campylobacter
      • Undercooked poultry, eggs, and poultry juices
    • Shigella
      • Contaminated food or water and person-to-person contact
      • Most commonly spread through day care centers
  • Viral
    • Norovirus
      • Most common cause of serious gastroenteritis outbreaks and foodborne illness in the US
    • Rotavirus
      • Most common cause of diarrheal illness in infants and young children
  • Parasites
    • Giardia
      • Contaminated water sources and swimming pools
    • Cryptosporidium
      • Contaminated water sources and swimming pools
Viral gastroenteritis is the most common cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks here in the United States. If you've ever watched the news and heard of numerous people falling ill on a cruise ship or in a nursing home, odds are it was norovirus. 

So how is gastroenteritis spread? Here's the most common ways:
  • Food
  • Contaminated water
  • Close contact with an infected person
  • Unwashed hands
  • Dirty utensils
How often do we see gastroenteritis? Well, it's hard to come up with an exact number because most people are able to manage their symptoms at home so they are not seen by a physician or hospitalized. But here's the estimated statistics according to The Cleveland Clinic:
  • 3 to 5 billion cases of acute diarrhea occur per year in the world
    • Not all of these are caused by gastroenteritis
  • At least 100 million cases occur in the United States each year
    • Approximately 1 to 2.5 cases of diarrhea per child
  • Gastroenteritis can be severe and cause life threatening illness and even death
    • There are 5 to 10 million deaths worldwide each year
    • Approximately 10,000 deaths occur in the United States per year
Who is most commonly affected by gastroenteritis? Well it can affect anyone but usually it spreads quickly among children in day care centers, students living in dormitories, military personnel, and travelers. Those that often get the most serious cases of gastroenteritis include young infants and those with weakened immune systems. 

Alright, so we've talked about what causes gastroenteritis, how it's spread, the statistics on occurrence, and who is most at risk. Now we'll get into the symptoms. Everyone will have a different variety of symptoms. Some only diarrhea while others will have vomiting too. Some will have fevers and others won't. Here's a general list of common symptoms associated with gastroenteritis:
  • Nausea and/or Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • Fever
  • Poor feeding (infants)
  • Excessive sweating and/or clammy skin
  • Muscle pain and/or joint stiffness
  • Incontinence of stool (loss of control)
  • Diarrhea
Diarrhea is the most common symptoms of gastroenteritis. Because the colon is infected, it cannot retain fluids and therefore the stool becomes very loose or watery. Symptoms can last 12-24 hours (most typical) however in some cases, symptoms (especially diarrhea) can last for several days.
The most common complication of gastroenteritis is dehydration due to excessive vomiting and diarrhea. It is important to understand what symptoms should be recognized. Anyone suffering from dehydration needs to be evaluated by a health care provider.
  • Dark urine and/or decrease in usual amount
    • In infants - dry diapers for more than 4-6 hours
  • Dry skin or skin that 'tents' when it is pinched and doesn't snap back into place
  • Dry mouth
    • Little to no saliva, dry lips
  • Sunken cheeks and/or eyes
  • Significant decrease in activity
    • Most who suffer from gastroenteritis will be very tired but lethargy combined with above symptoms is a red flag for dehydration
Not all illnesses that cause vomiting and diarrhea are gastroenteritis. Irritable bowel, pneumonia, blood infections (septicemia), appendicitis, and other abdominal conditions can cause these symptoms. The most important piece to remember is to take a good look at the whole picture. If the person who is ill, whether adult or child, seems to be in moderate to severe pain (that doesn't lessen with vomiting or diarrhea), the pain is localized to one area of the abdomen and doesn't move, has persistent fevers, is becoming more lethargic, or there are any other concerns - do not hesitate to seek out a health care provider's opinion.

Now the most important part of this entire blog post. What are we going to do about the stomach flu? We'll discuss this in two parts. The first is when someone in the home has gastroenteritis. The second will be prevention of gastroenteritis when exposure is suspected or it is prevalent in your area. 

So someone in the home has come down with the stomach bug. They are miserable and odds are, so are you if you are taking care of them! Whether another adult in the home or a child, the care is similar.
  • Isolation!
    • This is the number one key to preventing the spread of the illness through your home
    • Keep the sick person to one area of the home and one bathroom
  • Cleaning!
    • Use diluted bleach or Lysol products to clean surfaces
    • Wash all linens and clothing on hot water with detergent
    • Make sure everyone in the home is washing their hands with antibacterial soap
    • Wash all dishes and utensils in hot water - better yet is hot water cycle in the dishwasher with heated drying option
  • Fluids!
    • After vomiting, allow the person to rest with nothing by mouth for the next 20 to 30 minutes
    • If there is no further vomiting, offer one teaspoon (5mL) of liquid 
      • Pedialyte is ideal with infants and children - it has the perfect balance of electrolytes without so much sugar as Gatorade which will cause further diarrhea
    • Continue to offer one teaspoon of fluid every 5 minutes up to 3 times
      • After 3 teaspoons, allow the stomach to rest at least 15 minutes and then continue
    • If vomiting starts again, give another 20 to 30 minute break and begin at one teaspoon again
    • If there is no vomiting and the illness is diarrheal in origin, then offer fluids without hesitation
      • Avoid dairy products
      • Pedialyte is best for infants and children over Gatorade
      • You can also offer diluted juice or ginger ale 
    • When vomiting has stopped (or if the illness is only diarrhea), offer foods as soon as possible. Current research shows that the sooner food is reintroduced, the faster healing occurs!
      • Avoid foods that are greasy, fatty, and spicy
      • Try the BRAT diet
        • Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast
      • Although appetite may be low, a few bites of food is better than nothing so make each bite count and do not offer any junk food
      • Slowly begin to reintroduce a normal diet once the BRAT diet is tolerated - boiled chicken breast, plain scrambled eggs, chicken soup, and other lean protein sources are ideal in small amounts to help the body heal from the illness
  • Rest!
    • Encourage the ill person to rest as much as possible and keep activity to a minimum
    • General rule for returning to school and work:
      • Must be 24 hours free of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea!

Ok, now let's talk about prevention! You hear it on the news or the school sends home a letter. The stomach bug is here and it's spreading fast. So far, you and your home are clear of it and you would really like to keep it that way! What can you do?
  • Wash your hands!
    • If there is one single thing to do, it's this! Wash them often with warm water and antibacterial soap. Wash up the wrists and scrub your fingernails against your palms to help get rid of all the germs.
      • Make sure you wash your hands well after using the bathroom and before and after preparing food!
    • If soap and water isn't available, use hand sanitizer!
      • Clorox offers a product that is proven to kill norovirus (most hand sanitizers that are available do NOT kill this virus!). It is available for purchase on Amazon: HERE
  • Food preparation!
    • Keep raw poultry and other meats and seafood away from any foods that are eaten raw (like fruits and vegetables)
    • Try to store them separately in the fridge - ideally your fruits and vegetables should always be positioned above meat or in a drawer in case juices leak - I always make sure I put my raw meat into large ziplock bags before storing it in the fridge
    • Ensure surfaces that come into contact with raw meat are disinfected properly
    • If you are traveling outside the US, drink bottled water only and avoid ice in your drinks. Also try to avoid any uncooked foods that were likely washed in water (potential contamination)
  • Personal health!
    • Maintaining a good immune system is key! Make sure to read my posts on Boosting Immunity.
    • Concord grape juice - there is research showing that concord grape juice helps to change the pH of the gastrointestinal system and makes it more difficult for gastroenteritis pathogens to take hold. 
      • If I am exposed or there is high prevalence of gastroenteritis in my area, I drink 6-8oz of organic concord grape juice daily or twice daily!
    • Essential oils are also an option! I highly recommend using them daily to help boost your immune system (children too!). Also, I recommend keeping peppermint and ginger oils in the home so that anyone suffering from gastroenteritis can dilute a few drops and rub on their abdomen for relief. If you are interested in essential oils, please contact me.
    • Watch your food and drink choices. The more whole foods you consume and the more hydrated you are, the more difficult it is for a virus to take hold in your system.
      • Make sure you have at least 8 glasses of water per day
      • Limit sugar and dairy intake (both of these can cause inflammation in the gut which can put you at higher risk for stomach ailments).
      • Personally, I choose to limit eating out during times of outbreaks. I know if I prepare my own food that it is safe because I'm very careful in how I handle it. If you go to a restaurant, you do not have control over how they wash, prepare, and handle your food and it is definitely a risk.

Wishing you good health and hopefully avoidance of the stomach bug as it makes it's way around! Many think this is only a winter ailment but water parks, pools, and lakes are top causes during the summer! Be prepared now so you're not scrambling if it happens!

Friday, May 22, 2015

PMS and Essential Oils

Managing PMS with doTERRA Essential Oils

I think one of the top conversations oil users have is how to manage PMS. There are very few women out there who don't suffer from some version of PMS. And if you are one of the few lucky ones, you must know a friend, relative, or coworker who is miserable with the lovely monthly visit. So today's post is going to focus on managing your PMS using essential oils.
  • Cramps
    • Apply 2-4 drops of Clary Sage to the abdomen. To increase the effects, apply a warm compress to the abdomen after applying the oils.
    • If the above is not sufficient, consider Basil, Wintergreen, Geranium, and/or Peppermint applied topically to the lower abdomen and/or lower back followed by a warm compress. 
  • Back Pain
    • Apply 2-3 drops of Lemongrass and/or Clary Sage to the lower back and apply a warm compress over top.
  • Headaches
    • Apply a small amount of Clary Sage to the wrists and back of the neck.
    • Place 1-2 drops of Peppermint onto the shoulders and lower neck.
    • Consider Lavender and Frankincense applied to the temples if the above is insufficient for pain relief. 
    • If your PMS causes migraines, many recommend a drop of Frankincense applied to the roof of the mouth - apply using your thumb and hold to the roof of the mouth for absorption.
  • Anger and Anxiety
    • Apply Lavender and Clary Sage to the bottoms of feet and neck. 
    • Also consider Bergamot, Fennel, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, and Ylang Ylang diffused or applied topically to the bottoms of your feet.
  • Acne
    • For light acne, layer Lavender and then Melaleuca to the problem areas.
    • For those with moderate acne, use a high quality natural cleanser and combine with Helichrysum and Frankincense for longer term prevention.
    • During monthly breakouts, you can combine Melaleuca and Geranium and apply it topically to the skin. 
The beauty of using essential oils is that there are endless combinations making this supportive form of treatment customized to each person! For example, here is what works for me:
  • Clary Sage 
    • Rubbed onto the abdomen and ankles every night
    • Extra applied to the abdomen as needed for cramps
    • Extra applied to the wrists as needed for hormone-related anxiety and headaches
  • Basil + Thyme + Geranium + Clary Sage
    • 10 drops each + FCO in a roller bottle
    • Apply over the kidneys/adrenals and liver every night for hormone stabilization (increase progesterone, decrease adrenaline, support fatigued adrenals)
  • Wintergreen and Lemongrass
    • 1-2 drops applied onto the lower back for pain related to PMS
    • 1-2 drops applied over the abdomen for persistent cramps or ovarian cyst pain
  • Peppermint and Lavender
    • Apply to the shoulders and back of the neck for tension and headaches
  • Lavender + Peppermint + Frankincense
    • Apply 1-2 drops each (layer one at a time) to the temples and around the eyebrows for headaches
  • Peppermint and Ginger
    • Apply 3-4 drops to the abdomen and massage in for intestinal discomfort associated with PMS
Ok, try not to get overwhelmed. There are so many options out there and I've been working for months to build my personal regimen. I have also historically had horrendous cycles so I'm a bit more aggressive than probably most women would require. If this is something you are interested in, please contact me anytime!

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Big Move

This Michigander Was Never Going to Move...

Ah, the famous statement: I'll never leave Michigan! I could never move away from my family and friends! Today's post is about my most recent journey from Michigan to Virginia and why chasing scary dreams can be the best decisions of your life!

This was absolute truth up until a year ago. I had graduated with my Master of Science in Nursing, had passed the boards and obtained my Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner certification, obtained all my Michigan licenses, and then, well, nothing. I went on interviews. I job hunted daily. Where had all the NP jobs gone? Shoot, where had all the Michigan jobs gone? When I entered school, it was a position in high demand. 3 short years later and I'm on every job site you can imagine with no luck. 

Then, an opportunity presented itself. I found an ER job for a pediatric nurse practitioner. My dream job? Could it be? I read the post eagerly. It didn't require previous experience. They were open to training new grads. But, then there was the BIG catcher..... it was in Virginia! 

Virginia.... definitely a state I had never visited before. Wasn't even on my consideration list. But as I read the job description out loud to a coworker, God sent a little message. My coworker asked me to tell him the name of the hospital again, and so I did. He said "hey, I know where that is!". Turned out he had family in Virginia Beach and his baby girl got sick while visiting them and ended up hospitalized at the place I was looking at for a job. He told me it was a great hospital, they received good care, and I should just apply and see what happens. So I did. 

It took months, but suddenly I got a phone call. They were interested in me! Really? Could this be true? I had 2 phone interviews and then they asked the big scary question.... will you get on a plane and come interview in person? Between getting on a plane and going to interview - I was shaking like a leaf! But hey, an adventure to Virginia Beach? A mini vacation? And my Mom can come with? Us ladies took to the sky in February of 2014 and placed our faith in God to guide this journey of mine in the right direction.

Mom and I explored Virginia Beach. We were blessed with a few 70 degree days to enjoy the oceanfront. I interviewed and it went wonderfully. I absolutely loved everyone I met and the hospital. And not 48 hours after arriving back in Michigan, my phone rang yet again. Now was the biggest question of all.... will you accept a position in our ER here in Virginia? My heart about raced right out of my chest. They had hinted to me during the interview this call may come but there's still nothing like the adrenaline rush of actually receiving it. And then the words came out of my mouth "YES!"

So began the paperwork and prep of moving. And endless nights of crying, asking God if I made the right decision, wondering if I could really do this. Was it too late to change my mind? Was I really going through with this? I was the girl that would never leave home.....

The month of May was a flurry of events. Gatherings and celebrations with friends and family. Of course a curve ball came my way as one more round of strep throat just in time to pack my apartment up for the big move (HUGE thanks to my parents who bailed me out and spent endless hours packing with me). And then on May 29th, my brother and I hit the road. My Equinox was packed to the limits and we spent the next 13 hours together driving to Virginia Beach. 

God bless my brother! I don't think I could have made the trip down here without him. Endless support through every emotion I think one could possibly experience. He spent a long weekend with me here, sleeping on air mattresses and eating off cardboard boxes in my big, empty apartment. And then I dropped him off at the airport - hugged him so tight. Suddenly what felt like a dream became a reality. My Michigan life came to an abrupt end and now, here I was in Virginia. Living in an empty apartment, waiting on my moving truck to finally arrive, and praying - oh endless praying - that I had made the right decision.

After 8 long days, my stuff finally arrived. Almost no damage which was impressive for packing up my own stuff! I quickly unpacked and made this empty apartment a home. My parents came shortly after and I enjoyed their time here. We explored the area and had a wonderful time! I began my job while my mom was still here which made the transition that much easier. I absolutely loved sharing my new life with them. 

Within a short period of time, God blessed me with a wonderful new group of friends. I developed amazing new friendships and yet continued to be visited throughout the summer by my dear old friends. It was wonderful to introduce my new friends to my old friends and see my life begin to take a new shape. My job was challenging but a great new experience. Sure, the first time I got sick was scary! When things didn't work right back in Michigan, my family wasn't 20 minutes away. But I grew and I adapted. Technology helps with this a ton! I learned new ways to manage stress and number one was activity in the sunshine! My apartment was 5 blocks from an oceanfront. I quickly found my love of the ocean, sand, and seashells. I realized this place held a joy for me that was new and inspiring and I continue to look forward to enjoying each and every day!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Classic Chicken Soup in the Slow Cooker

Classic Chicken Soup

Time for a recipe! Who doesn't love a bowl of chicken soup? This perfect comfort food can lift spirits and make you feel better. I always have this on hand in my freezer. I like to make a large batch in the slow cooker and then freeze in individual serving containers.

2 large boneless organic chicken breasts
2 organic celery hearts, chopped
1 pkg organic baby carrots, chopped
1 med sweet onion, preferably organic, chopped finely
Parsley, Basil, Thyme, Rosemary - all preferably organic
1 Bay Leaf, preferably organic
2 boxes (8 cups) organic chicken broth

In a large slow cooker, combine all of the above ingredients. Season as desired with spices, salt, and pepper. I love spices in my soup so I am generous when shaking these into the mix! Cook on high for the first hour, then switch to low for the remaining time, cooking a total of 8-10 hours. 30 minutes prior to serving, remove the chicken breasts and shred using 2 forks. Place back into the slow cooker and stir to combine. Recover and cook on high the remaining time until ready to serve.

You can choose to serve this over cooked quinoa, rice, noodles, or just keep it plain. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hormone Management

Managing Hormones the Natural Way

Hormones - is there anything women don't blame on hormones? Some women are blessed with cycles that are predictable and they sail through with hardly a hiccup. Then there are those that never know what the next day might hold. The majority of women will find themselves somewhere in between these two extremes.

My story - around 14 years old I began on birth control. My cycles were so irregular I would skip months then bleed an entire 3 weeks straight. The cramps were horrible and my moods were crazy. I examined normal so hormones were to blame. And so therefore began my journey on birth control that would continue the next 15 years. Most birth control methods are estrogen based. I feel like I went through almost every single option. I faithfully followed up with my GYN every 6-12 months. I had numerous ovarian cysts and even a large fibroadenoma in my breast in my teen years. Clearly something was still 'off' but we just kept switching up the birth control, fingers crossed something would work. Oh and the weight was piling on, my hair would come out in clumps in the shower, and my cycles continued to be hell. 

Fast forward to mid-20s. I actually passed out at work. The hot flashes and heart pounding got so bad, I hit the floor. A dear coworker sat me down and I told her what had been going on. She recommended a new GYN that specialized in hormone management. For the first time, someone figured out I was estrogen-dominant. I needed progesterone in my life! So we tried oral progesterone-based birth control but it did nothing. Then moved on to Depo injections. I religiously kept up these injections over the next 5 years. They completely stopped my cycles. I still would 'PMS' about 1 week per month with hot flashes and shakes but never to the extent they used to be. I tried to go off Depo one time but I ended up a complete mess within 2 weeks and went right back on. 

My GYN was the first to recommend a more holistic approach to my health. I wasn't ready at first but eventually I began listening. I often felt ill in the mornings - she recommended smoothies. For quite some time, that sustained me as I managed my hormonal roller coaster. She wanted me to lose weight but that became very difficult with the Depo on board. She was the first to recommend I go gluten free. She advised a total Paleo diet but I settled at gluten free. Going gluten free made a huge impact on my life (there's an entire blog devoted to this).

Now let's fast forward to present day. I began my journey with essential oils and supplements as I was hoping to control my hormones more naturally. I began to support progesterone secretion and suppress adrenaline using Clary Sage, Basil, and Geranium. I used a hormone blend on my abdomen and ankles nightly. I started using a high quality multivitamin and omega supplement. After 6 months, I felt I was 'ready'. I had my last Depo injection in November of 2014. I would have been due in January. As I sit here writing this, I am still holding strong months into this transition. I am feeling the PMS hit much harder for about a week each month. I sense my IBS kick up and my shakes and 'personal-summers' become much more obvious. But they are the best they have ever been! I am careful to limit my caffeine, keep my foods very clean, and work out as often as possible! I also use a progesterone cream on my forearms before bed which seems to help. My cycles have not yet restarted but I know that can take some time. 

Why am I telling you this? Because as I journey forward towards a more natural approach to everything in my life, hormones are my biggest enemy and I know that's true for many of you out there. They have the ability to control every day. One physician I saw told me to always remember I am in charge and never let them keep me from doing what I want to do! That's because that's when the anxiety and depression can creep in. So hang in there and grab a hold of your life - don't let hormones control it!

Ok wait, what are hormones? Guess I probably should address this. Let's get scientific for a moment. Hormones are signaling molecules. I could discuss all of them but that would be exhausting so let's not and just focus on what we need to talk about! Let's gear this talk towards women. The three hormones important to our monthly cycles are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Let's explore the ups and downs week by week.

  • Week 1:
    • Progesterone and estrogen are at rock bottom the first day of your period and will begin to rise from here. Symptoms commonly include fatigue due to low estrogen the first few days followed by energy increase as hormone levels begin to elevate.
    • Note - you should do your self-breast exam around day 7!
  • Week 2:
    • Estrogen and testosterone will rise this entire week. You should feel the most energetic, optimistic, flirtatious, and impulsive. You will find yourself accomplishing tasks faster and more efficiently. And if you have a partner in your life, this is the best week to have sex!
    • Caution - rising estrogen can trigger anxiety. If you are prone to anxiety, all this energy can cause you to feel overwhelmed. Try to keep things in perspective and manage your anxious feelings before they get too strong. 
  • Week 3:
    • Ovulation kicks off this week which triggers a decrease in estrogen and testosterone. As these two decline, progesterone starts to rise. As estrogen begins to decline, you may feel a bit weepy. And if you are sensitive to increase in progesterone, this may only worsen the feelings. It's like a little pre-PMS. Isn't that lovely? As estrogen and testosterone decrease and the sedating progesterone increases, you may feel sluggish and not as motivated. Interestingly, progesterone can cause you to have difficulty finding words, cause forgetfulness, and trigger constipation and/or bloating. 
    • Drink water and load up on fiber during this week! And exercise! Progesterone increases fat-burning ability by up to 30% more than normal! Exercise and eating complex carbs will also help your brain feel more happy.
  • Week 4:
    • PMS week has arrived and your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone have all checked out! The levels are plummeting and you're likely feeling the effects. As estrogen dives off, your mood may change at the drop of a hat. Estrogen also helps with pain and serotonin so as this drops, many experience more migraines, aches, and insomnia.
    • To help yourself navigate this difficult week, you want to focus on boosting serotonin. Complex carbohydrates, exercising, and shopping can all help give your brain a boost! PMS symptoms specifically can be helped by supplementing calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. And try to limit caffeine - I know, easier said than done but it really does help!
So we have three very important hormones in our lives. Many are imbalanced, probably more than aren't. How many women have you talked to that love their cycle? Exactly. So everyone could probably benefit from some hormone balancing techniques. Here's a summary of how you can help yourself feel better. 
  • Take a good multivitamin and omega supplement!
    • Make sure there is enough B6 and magnesium in your daily dose - if not, supplement these further
  • Exercise and maintain a healthy weight!
    • Over-exercising and being under-weight is NOT what we are going for here - keep a good balance and feel comfortable in your body
  • Eat right for you!
    • Consider decreasing grains (especially gluten) and increasing lean meats, fruits, and vegetables for a high protein and nutrient dense diet
  • Use holistic methods, such as essential oils!
    • Clary Sage, Basil, Thyme, Geranium, and more!
  • Talk to your health care provider!
    • Have a good relationship with your health care provider and be open and honest with them
Hang in there and keep your head up! If you are interested in essential oils, please contact me!